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After each stage of performance, the show has 'elimination' round. The candidates are eliminated from the next stage of performance through the 'elimination' round. Once eliminated the contestants photos are published with an "OUT" seal on their face.Candidates are eliminated based on the marks given by the judges and the SMS votes each candidates got.The number of SMS votes each candidate got is not reveled to the audience. An arrangement is made with the mobile phone companies that each SMS would fetch solid income to the channel. The SMS charge is about four to ten times higher than the normal SMS charges. The additional income is shared by the mobile company and the channel. Initially the audience were not informed of the elimination date and venue inadvance. However, the channel was pursuing its audience to vote even after the elimination was over weeks before. This was exposed by a few through the internet. This had affected the reputation of the channel and the programme was criticized for its dishonesty. However after its eighth stage the project team behind the programme corrected this error as a face saving measure by making its elimination round public. However, the programme was continued to be criticized through the open forum of the programme itself. Later, Asianet had to close the forum fearing the acute criticism it was facing.

Every elimination round begins with the presentation of a few candidates as fallen into danger zone. A candidate falls into danger zone if the channel declares that person has not got either sufficient marks or enough votes.Even candidates with higher marks awarded by the judges were brought to the danger zone as they have reportedly fetched lesser SMS votes.The elimination round was presented as an emotional event where all the judges and participants cry aloud. Often the judges use the emotional environment to persuade the audience to vote It is alleged that better candidates were pushed to the danger zone, just to emotionally blackmail the audience to vote for their favourite candidates.

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